Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ollie and the Slurge

Just a gentle reminder. The play Ollie and the Slurge is THIS Thursday (4/3/10). People who haven't paid yet, hurry up and pay already.

Give your money and forms to your respective Level Heads.
Sec 1s - Gordon Chay (1F)
Sec 2s - Elizabeth Phua (2E)
Sec 3s - Chua Jie Chern (3E)
Sec 4s - Caleb (4A)

Be warned: If you're not intending to go, inform a teacher. If you do not inform a teacher and you choose not to pay the money and/or hand up the form, you'll be slaughtered. Figuratively speaking, of course. :D

* * *

On a completely side note, please spread the message if you can.

Your Webmaster,

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