Sunday, February 8, 2009

Practice dates for the month of FEBRUARY


* Please ignore the dates here as the updated dates and times are above (:

-However, chunks of words below the dates still applies. hehe.

Here are the practice dates for the month of February! There will be SKITTLES! ;D

03/2/09 (Tue) 3:30-5:30 (OVER)

05/2/09 (Thu) 3:30-5:30 (OVER)

10/2/09 (Tue) 3:30-5:30

12/2/09 (Thu) 3:30-5:30

17/2/09 (Tue) 3:30-5:30 – Cancelled due to Common Test

19/2/09 (Thu) 3:30-5:30 – Cancelled due to Common Test

24/2/09 (Tue) 3:30-5:30

26/2/09 (Thu) 3:30-5:30

Please come for practices ;D If you are unable to attend CCA, please inform any one of the people from the Drama Committe namely Kerrie,Joey,LimYen and Jeremiah. Also, produce a letter or MC by the next day.Failing to do so...HEHEHEHEHE you'll see what happens.

Message to all Secondary 4 Drama-mamaians:
Practices are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So there shouldnt be a reason for you guys to be late on Tuesdays. As for Thursdays, report to the practice venue right after the remedial before you guys go get your lunch.

Lastly to all of you Drama-mamaians, Jiayou for Common Test! Study hard Peepo!


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