Tuesday, December 2, 2008


HELLO to all Drama students from Mayflower!
This is our new blog! We have decided to create a new one because blogspot is very user-friendly (YES...) and you can beautify it anyway you want.We haven't selected a skin for this blog yet, but we will soon! Any ideas on how you want this blog to look like? EMAIL US !

The Drama committee had a meeting on December 1, so here are some updates that we have to announce!

*Just in case you guys don't know, the people from the committee are Kerrie (President), Joey (Vice-President), LimYen (Secretary) & Jeremiah (Treasurer).


Drama BBQ cum Farewell Party for Drama Seniors
Venue: Lim Yen's house
Time: STRAIGHT after Drama training!
(Duration not confirmed yet)
Date: 23 December 2008
We will be catering the food, and we should be popping frequently to Cold Storage, which is just a 5 minute walk from Lim Yen's house. Oh, before we forget. Lim Yen's father has paid a deposit of $250 for the function room and BBQ pit. So you people better not spoil anything or you people have to pay for everything, because they will not refund the $250 if you spoil their stuff! WATCH WHAT YOU LAY YOUR HANDS ON, PEOPLE! And we mean it SERIOUSLY. If you spoil it, you pay!

Drama Hoodie (or what you people are so used to, T-SHIRT!)!!!!!!!
Lim Yen will be submitting designs to Kerrie and Joey, but we might not have a hoodie, depends what the Drama committee decides. As we can't always stick to the old stuff, we have to change the way we look right? So, a brand new look for us, the Drama Mamas! (:

Drama CCA exhibition
We might be dressing up as aliens. Aliens, but we will look decent, not scary, or no one would want to join Drama. If this idea is finalised, we will have standardised coloured Giordana tight-fitting T-shirts (tight, because aliens are skinny and have no flabby bits. Or have you seen one like that?) Colours will be BRIGHT and STRIKING, like neon green, bright orange, bright yellow, bright red, purple, hot pink and stuff. And what will we match them with? Guys will wear skinnies (because it's tight) or maybe tight shorts, see what you are most comfortable with. Girls, either skinnies or shorts with leggings, (also see what you are most comfortable with). If you have neon green shirt, then you go with neon green bottoms. Your top and bottom must be the same colour. Wait, we are not finished! Because aliens are mostly whole coloured, we have to be whole colured too. Cannot have our biege skin showing when we are in Neon green clothes right? So FACE PAINT! Yes, we will coat ourselves up with face paint: face, hands and legs all coated. (Please don't screech when you read this, but the face paint is easily washable. :D Thank God!) Then, when you are all tarted up with matching clothes and paint, you will go walking about. And the innocent new Secondary Ones will get attracted, "Hey! This is SO interesting! What CCA is this?" Then, they will proceed to the Drama booth and sign up for the audition! YAY!

Drama Camp
We have not decided when and where yet. But maybe we are going to have a Nightwalk (hehehe...) and maybe some late night supper. And we will PROBABLY be camping under the stars (WHOO-HOO!) and/or in air-con rooms (double WHOO-HOO!) And not forgetting our Drama trainings (triple WHOO-HOO!) Alright, let's stop fantasizing...

Drama Email Account
We also have our very own Drama email account. Only the committee of the drama club will have access to this email.(HAA you people.) So, if there's any questions you would like to ask us so email us at MFdrama@hotmail.com .We will also use this account to email teachers/ drama members information. Eg, changes in training schedule, etc.

That's about all that we have discussed. The other things are meant to be kept among the Drama committee. And we will insert a tagbox soon, so that you would be able to ask anything you are in doubt of.

Happy Holidays!

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